v1.1.39 Improvements, bug fixes - 7 May 2024


  • Weapon trace to enemies added.
  • Optimized Pirates for less lag.
  • 2 Wrecks on the map added C1/A7.
  • Password Strength added to make people create better passwords.
  • Spawn Regions added so players can choose what island to spawn in.
  • VendingMachine settings added for Private Server Owners in items.json
  • Join Messages added back when people join servers, you can disable this message in your settings.
  • Server Performance section added for Official and Tribals+ so you can see less laggy servers up top.
  • You can now check what’s inside of a VendingMachine from your Map Details section, with Tribals+ it requires no ads to unlock it.
  • Now if you have the building in your inventory and place it with a BuildingPlan, it will take the item from your inventory before taking the materials to build it.

Bug Fixes

  • Shooting underwater bug fixed.
  • Multiple stone on respawn bug fixed.
  • Unable to open PvE BuildingSack has been fixed.
  • Drag and Drop worn books to workbench bug fixed.
  • BuildingPlan bug where you would hold it but be unable to build has been fixed.

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